Brent Ness

The End Is But the Beginning

Birth pangs are a frequently used motif in the apocalyptic imagery that was common in Jesus’s Jewish tradition. As someone who physically birthed two humans from my womb, I know a thing or two about birth pangs. One of the things I learned through my labor and delivery experiences is that fear-based resistance intensifies pain and draws out the process in dangerous and unhealthy ways.
We’ve been talking and singing about the importance of resistance, of holy resistance, in recent days.

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The Mighty Widow

The gospel story of the woman giving her last two coins to the temple treasury leaves me with some questions. Jesus notices the woman’s generosity, but does he actually approve of her contributing so sacrificially? And why does this widow, offered so little protection by religious or secular law, want to support a system that ignores her and her needs?

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The Uncommon Good: Overcoming Complacency

God said to Noah, “This rainbow is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all the animals that are on the earth.” Genesis 9:17

This Sunday, in honor of the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, we will celebrate a Blessing of the Animals during our 11am service. It’s a rare Sunday when we are not joined by a furry friend or two, but we hope this week to have many!

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