Putting Love into Action

Join us at 11am Sundays for worship.

St. Paul & St. Andrew is an affirming & celebrating Church of radical welcome on NYC's Upper West Side, where all are valued because of who they are and the talents, gifts and energy they bring.

A Statement of Commitment to Our Religious Mission

I'm New

We would love to connect with you through one of our ministries. Get plugged in now!

Upcoming Events

Take part in our upcoming church events and community functions. We're excited to see you!

Our Space

Learn more about our historic space, the story of our building, and how to book space for your event.

Lent at St. Paul & St. Andrew

Spiral stained glass window ceiling from inside the prayer chapel of Thanksgiving Square in downtown Dallas, Texas.
Daily, except Sundays from 7:00-7:15am

40 Days of Centering Prayer

Join us every day during Lent on Zoom at 7am, or as your schedule allows, for 15 minutes of Centering Prayer, including a reading of the day’s devotional written by our St. Paul & St. Andrew community members.

Text 'lent fast pray give' Stock photo
Wednesdays at 7:30pm

Lent Vespers

Join us in the sanctuary or via the livestream for these intimate, candlelit services of music, scripture, poetry and devotional readings. Wednesdays at 7:30pm throughout Lent.

What's Happening

Keep up to date with our events and schedule

The Harmony Program’s youth ensembles will perform their Spring concert in the Sanctuary, joined by members of the Grammy Award-winning Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Free admission.

Sunday School for preschool and elementary aged children takes place during the worship hour. All the children begin in the sanctuary with the full congregation, where we enjoy together the Message For All Ages, an interactive time when the lesson of the week is told in age-appropriate ways. Our Sunday School curriculum follows the lectionary, […]

Nursery Care and Childcare is available for infants through elementary aged children during the worship service during the summer months. Check in at the front desk when you arrive for service and you will be directed to the childcare room where there will be lectionary themed coloring pages and Sunday funnies, books, games and other […]

Join us as we build a community of radical welcome that follows Jesus into the streets of the city to increase the amount of love and justice in the world.


Capital Campaign

Giving to LGBTQ Church NYC


Volunteer at St. Paul & St. Andrew UMC


NYC Church Spiritual Formation

Spiritual & Ethical Formation

United Methodist Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

LGBTQ Church NYC St. Paul & St. Andrew UMC
St. Paul & St. Andrew UMC LGBTQ Church NYC

Welcome to St. Paul & St. Andrew, an LGBTQ affirming Church in NYC

An affirming and celebrating community of radical welcome on the Upper West Side

St. Paul & St. Andrew is an affirming & celebrating community of radical welcome on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, where all are valued because of who they are and the talents, gifts and energy they bring. As a congregation, we challenge ourselves to follow Jesus into the streets of the city to increase the amount of love and justice in the world. We do this through dynamic and provocative worship, inclusive relationship building and putting progressive Christian values into action.