Unlock Your Doors

Sunday, April 7 at 11:00 am | Bulletin

Happy Eastertide!

While Easter Sunday is a once a year event, the Easter season lasts 50 days. Over the course of these 50 days we’ll be thinking as a community about how to be Easter people in a hurting world.

As the story of the resurrection continues this week, we witness the disciples hunkered down, hidden behind a locked door, fearing for their lives, despite having already been told by Mary Magdalene that Jesus was alive.

We assume today that the disciples eventually made their way out from behind that locked door and responded to Jesus’s call on their lives, “Peace be with you. As Abba God has sent me, so I’m sending you.” We wouldn’t know these stories otherwise, right? But John’s Gospel makes it clear that their movement out of fear and into new life in Christ didn’t happen immediately. It took time, and Jesus kept showing up for his friends, over and over, to help them move forward.

I don’t know about you, but that gives me confidence that Jesus will keep showing up for us too, whispering “Peace be with you” as many times as we need, as we hunker down behind our own locked doors.

Let’s celebrate that together, come Sunday.

See you then,
Pastor Andrea

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