The Last ‘Come To Jesus’ Meeting

Sunday, April 21 at 11:00 am | Bulletin

“Jesus said to Peter a third time, ‘Do you love me? Then feed my sheep.'”

A few years back, we did a little exploration of the question, ‘What’s a church for?’ It was a provocative question, and we came up with some interesting answers. But this Sunday’s passage from the Gospel of John begs a slightly different question: ‘Who’s a church for?’

At the end of John’s gospel, the disciples are worn out, confused, disillusioned. But seven of them, at least, are still together. That’s great. Mutual support was part of the reason Jesus gathered them together in the first place. But not the whole reason, and not the most important reason. 

From a Nazi prison, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote: “The church is the church only when it exists for others….” And the only job of a church? To feed the sheep of Christ. And that’s everyone.



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