Love Dares

Sunday, May 5 at 11:00 am | Bulletin

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – John 15:13


Yesterday we received amazing, wonderful, “pinch me it’s so fabulous news” from K and Lea and Aurora at General Conference. LOVE WINS!!!! Full inclusion of queer people in the life of the United Methodist Church is here, after language banning queer ordination and marriage was removed from the Book of Discipline. Come Sunday, we’ll celebrate that and hold the grief of the pains and losses experienced along the way. We’ll also gather together around the communion table.

Speaking of communion, our guiding lectionary text this week from John’s gospel is set during the meal we have come to know as the Last Supper. But unlike the gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke, John’s gospel doesn’t get into the specifics of the bread breaking and the cup sharing or even mention the words of Jesus that have become the basis for the words of institution for the sacrament we share together,

“Take, this is my body…”
This is the blood of the covenant which is poured out for many…”

What John’s gospel offers in its place is a VERY long discourse by Jesus (nearly four chapters!), a discourse at its heart about love and relationship with God and one another.

I can think of no better text to explore together in this moment. See you Sunday!

Pastor Andrea

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