Second Sunday of Easter | Bulletin
There is a wisdom in our faith tradition. Easter is celebrated not as a day, not as a week, but for a full season. God knows we need time to process the triumph of life over death, love over despair. We need time to transition, from fully experiencing the crucifixion of Jesus to witnessing the miraculous resurrection of Christ. This Sunday, we join the disciples in the locked room, where they, along with Thomas, sort through what it’s like to live, knowing well the experience of both. They are not left alone to figure it out, and neither are we.
The Risen Christ met them in their confusion, doubt, and fear. The Risen Christ meets us, too, in our places of fear and doubt. As we prepare ourselves to emerge, at some point, from wherever this pandemic has placed us, there’s a question we could ask ourselves: Are we emerging from the past year the same as the people we were? Or is there some resurrection possible for us, as well?
Peace, Pastors Lea and K
We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here .
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