Homeward Bound

We are in-person for worship this Sunday! Please bring and wear a mask during the service.

April 3, 2022 at 11 a.m. | Bulletin

“Thus says the Lord…
Look, I am doing something new!
Now it springs forth—can’t you see it?
I’m making a road in the desert
And setting rivers to flow in the wasteland.”
This Sunday, we’ll contemplate the creation of a new home, born out of the experience of exile and in the midst of wilderness.  We continue to forge our new ways in community, too, as in-person Sunday School and the Message for All Ages come back to us!  We’ll also reconnect to the ritual home we find in the sacrament of holy communion.  All are invited to the altar rail to receive the gifts of God, safely spaced out and delivered.
We can’t and don’t want to go back to all the ways of the past, but we take the wisdom from what we’ve come through and combine it with our wilderness experience now to guide our next steps in creating a spiritual home for us all, one bound to God, and one that sets us free.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Lea