The Story Doesn’t End There

Easter Sunday | Bulletin

Happy Easter!  As you may recall, Easter 2020 was a frightening time.  Things in our city, and around the world, were bleak, with little hope on the horizon. 
For worship last Easter, we chose Mark’s account of the first Easter—its stark description, ending not in hope, but in fear.  We said we’d save John’s more hopeful account for a time when the pandemic had passed.
All is still not well, but we begin to get a glimpse of what ‘well’ might look like.  And so, in hope, we will center our Easter worship this year on John’s version of what happened that Easter morning long ago. Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb in the garden, afraid of what she’ll find. She is baffled when she sees the stone rolled away, and she runs to find some friends. Her friends enter the empty tomb, and they leave, confused by what they find—or rather what they don’t. But Mary sticks around, alone, weeping, paralyzed by the enormity of her loss.  But she is not alone long. 
We are so grateful that we have come through this year together with you.  We have supported each other, prayed for each other, mourned with each other, connected and cared for one another.  And we have kept this church, this garden of God’s love, alive.  Thanks be to God.
Yours in Faith,
K and Lea

We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here.

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