Digital Worship for Maundy Thursday (April 9, 2020)

In the spirit of our traditional Maundy Thursday observance, we invite you to watch our service at 5pm, or while you have dinner in your homes.  Please share the link with family and friends elsewhere and watch at the same time, extending our tables beyond the separated spaces we inhabit.

The service will guide us by reading, song, and reflection, through the movements of a communion liturgy: thanksgiving, blessing, and the mystery of faith.  There are, throughout the service, moments where you are encouraged to pause the video and reflect with others.  We hope you’ll do so.  Before you begin, have with you bread and juice or an approximation of both, so that we may share virtually in the sacrament of communion.  May this night be made holy for us all, as we remember.

Please help us continue to create meaningful virtual worship and support essential ministries by giving online or emailing to make a gift by electronic check.

We continue to hold each other in prayer during this uncertain time. Please add you prayer requests here.