Choosing Christmas


Sunday, December 11 at 11 am | Bulletin

What could be more fitting a guide to embodying joy than a Christmas Pageant?  Our kids, families, and pastoral team will bring life to the tale of Jesus’s birth once again, and this time, through a “choose your own adventure” story.  You don’t want to miss it, I promise!

There were a lot of people that helped the miracle along, way back in Bethlehem.  God worked through a great many people and places to help heaven touch the earth.  The shepherds, the holy family, the angels, the animals, the wise ones and more all helped to incarnate the good news of great joy.  While we see that story told again (in a fantastically fun way!) maybe we can remember that the miracle of God dwelling among us is still unfolding.  And we are all invited to embody it, too.

We hope you’ll come, watch, enJOY, and sing along with us!

Pastor Lea

P.S. The festivities continue! Follow us out the doors to sing Christmas carols on the steps facing West End Avenue immediately following worship this Sunday.