Towards a Fearless Embrace


December 5, 2021 at 11 a.m. | Bulletin

A recording will be available on our YouTube channel after the service.

“Just when Joseph had resolved to part with his fiance Mary, an angel of God appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph! Do not afraid to take Mary as your wife!'” Matthew 1:20

Among Joseph’s many emotions at hearing that Mary is pregnant with a child that is not his (disappointment, anger, frustration, betrayal, confusion), the one that God’s angel focuses on is fear: ‘Don’t be afraid, Joseph. Don’t be afraid to make a decision, a hard decision. A decision that will impact your life, either way. A decision that will impact the life of one who is precious to you. And maybe other lives as well.’

You may have caught on that I am not the quickest decision-maker. I struggle over the simplest choices, let alone the tough ones. What if I pick the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, say something in the wrong way? Sometimes, that fear keeps me from making a decision at all.

Joseph’s struggle is more monumental. More life-altering. And, although he can’t realize it at the time, more earth-shattering.

I think it’s safe to say that we have each been facing more of our share of critical decisions at this time when even those simple choices can prove life-altering, even life-threatening. And generally without the help of angels to guard and guide us.

What I pray for, though, is for God to somehow be with us in every decision we make. Especially those that impact other people.

Stay safe, stay brave,

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