The Beginning of Good News

Second Sunday of Advent
Today’s Readings: Mark 1: 1-8

“The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Child of God…” Mark 1:1

Mark doesn’t promise too much, to start. He is living at a time of bad news. Very bad news. And, in the middle of that, he has experienced good news! At least, the beginning of good news.

Slowly, painfully slowly, our news seems to be turning from really bad to perhaps the beginning of something good. Our election transition *might* happen smoothly after all. The Coronavirus crisis *might* have an end in the not-so-distant future. The economy *might* pick up, allowing people to go back to work. Global warming *might* soon get the attention it deserves. White supremacy *might* have suffered something of a defeat. I’m not sure it all counts as good news, but maybe it’s the beginning of good news.

On this Second Sunday of Advent, we look to scripture, God, and each other for some good news. At least the beginning of good news. We turn to the story of John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness. Hardly a purveyor of good news, he! But through his own peculiar type of truth-telling, I can sense some good news. At least, the beginning of good news.


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