Cite Your Sources

Sunday, May 14 at 11am | Bulletin


It is hard not to get stuck in hopelessness.  It is hard not to feel stalled by overwhelm.  The enormity of injustice and the numbers of needs all around us can literally feel like weights on our bodies, but also on our souls.  We forget that God is at work.  And we forget to connect to God, as our source and supply.

This Sunday, we’ll remember what our sources of renewal are.  Some, we receive as faith “hand-me-downs,” passed from one generation to the next, given from one person to another, shared by a community to its members.  Maybe one of your sources is a bit of scripture or a meaningful ritual, maybe it’s a testimony shared with you, a holy memory, or even part of our faith tradition that deeply matters to you.  Whatever it is, these sources handed down become sacred to us, touchstones of our faith.  They get new life in us.  And they give new life to us.  It seems to me like a really good time to name and claim them for ourselves.

Let’s make some time and space to be renewed and re-sourced, friends.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Lea