A Call To Contemplative Action

Sunday, February 19 at 11 am | Bulletin

“As they were coming down the mountain…” Matthew 17:9

Happy Transfiguration Sunday! The final Sunday before Lent always brings us to the mountaintop, the high place where Jesus holds a summit with those giants of his faith, Moses and Elijah, while three of the disciples look on.

But this week I’m thinking more about what comes next. What happens when they come back down the mountain. Jesus is confronted by a frustrated parent of a sick child: “I brought him to your disciples, but they could not cure him.”

Our peak spiritual experiences are vital. But I suspect it’s what we do, or don’t do, in those level, plain, ordinary spaces of our lives that are of greatest importance to Jesus.

See you Sunday!


P.S. In light of the recent earthquake affecting people in Turkey and Syria, we’re taking a special offering through the United Methodist Committee on Relief, who is working in partnership with the International Red Crescent. You can make an offering at stpaulandstandrew/give. Select option #3: UMCOR: Syria/Türkiye Earthquake