Second Sunday in Lent

Second Sunday in Lent | Bulletin

“Jesus called the crowd with the disciples, and said to them, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'”  Mark 8:34

Welcome to Worship!

The journey of Lent is a journey with Jesus to the cross. How do we do that? Jesus makes it seem easy, three simple steps. Until you start to think about it.

‘Deny yourself.’ What part of myself needs denying, if I’m going to affirm a call to the way of the cross?

‘Pick up your cross.’ Is that the cross of justice and love? The cross of self-sacrifice? What do I have to drop in order to be able to pick up the cross?
‘Follow me.’ Where is it we’re going, Jesus? Peter and the disciples have no clue. Most days I’m not sure I do, either.

Join us on Sunday, and let’s try and figure out what it actually means to follow Jesus.


We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here.

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