In the Power of the Spirit

In light of the Covid rates in the city, congregational participation for this Sunday will be from home only; congregation will not be present in the sanctuary. 

January 23, 2022 at 11 a.m.

“Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit.” Luke 4:14

The way the Gospel of Luke tells the story, nobody can do anything worthwhile without the active help of the Spirit of God. Not even Jesus.

That makes sense to me. Some days I feel like the Spirit just isn’t around, and I end up dragging myself from thing to thing without a lot of purpose, power or promise.

As I think about the challenges each of us will continue to face in the coming weeks and months, and what we may likely face as a community of faith, I can only pray that the Spirit that was in Christ, the Spirit that worked through the followers of Jesus, may somehow empower and prod us along a faithful path. May it be so!

See you Sunday, via YouTube!


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