Going His Way

In light of the Covid rates in the city, congregational participation for this Sunday will be from home only; congregation will not be present in the sanctuary. We are planning to resume in-person worship next Sunday, February 6th!

January 30, 2022 at 11 a.m.

“And, passing through the midst of the crowd, Jesus went his way.” Luke 4:30

It could have been so easy for Jesus that day in Nazareth. Returning home with a reputation, showing up at shul, basking in the glow of admiration, then preaching to the choir. At first he does all that, with the result that, ‘All spoke well of him and were amazed at his gracious words.’

But he can’t leave it there. He can’t leave them with a comfortable and comforting sermon. He can’t leave them with an insider message that focuses on their uniqueness, their specialness, their privilege. No, instead he challenges them with God’s love and grace towards people they don’t like and can’t relate to.

It doesn’t go well.

See you this Sunday (on YouTube), when we look to the words of scripture to challenge, confront and maybe convict us.


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