“When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, ‘My Child, your sins are forgiven.’” Mark 2:5
We need each other.
This week we’ll consider the story of the paralyzed person who is brought to Jesus on a sort of stretcher, carried by four of his friends. It’s a different kind of healing story. Usually those stories end with Jesus saying, “Your faith has made you well.” In this story, it’s the faith of the friends that Jesus finds moving. The faith they have in Jesus. The faith they have in their friend’s ability to someday, somehow, walk. And the faith they have in each other.
To Jesus, faith is something you do, not something you think.
After this year of pandemic, I’m acutely aware that the only way I’ve made it through is by faith. The faith of a few friends. And the faithfulness of this community of faith. Thank you! Thank you for the way you do faith.
We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here.
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