Interdependence Day

Those worshipping in person should bring and wear a mask during the service. Masks will be available if you do not have one when you arrive. Windows and doors will also remain open during the services for additional air circulation, and ice water will be available.

Interdependence Day

Sunday, July 3 at 10 am | Bulletin

“Bear one another’s burdens…”  Galatians 6:2

Happy Interdependence Day!  Sure, Monday is July 4th, Independence Day, a great national holiday.  But the Christian faith has little interest in independence – either for us as individuals or as nations. As Paul pointed out to the Galatians, we are placed on the planet for each other. That is the message of Christ.
So this Sunday we’re calling ‘Interdependence Day’, a chance to explore and celebrate the things that connect us, rather than dwelling on the many things that divide us from each other.  We may be birds of different feathers, but we have no choice but to flock together!
Worship with us! In person or online, we’ll gather together.
K & Lea