Witness to the World: Something Needs To Be Said

Those worshipping in person should bring and wear a mask during the service. Masks will be available if you do not have one when you arrive. Windows and doors will also remain open during the services for additional air circulation, and ice water will be available.


Sunday, June 5 at 11 am | Bulletin

“But Peter, standing with the eleven disciples, raised his voice…” Acts 2:14

Words are never enough.  In the wake of our weekly tragedies, there is always plenty of talk: what needs to be done (but rarely is), who is to blame (never the speaker), and all the insistent, insufficient and insufferable blather about ‘thoughts and prayers’.  But still, something needs to be said.

Fed up, and fed by the Spirit, the apostle Peter finds that something needs to be said. And he stands with his friends,  and raises his voice, and finds the courage to say it. And then acts on his words.

Time for us to do that too.

See you Sunday,