Worship for March 5, 2023

Sunday, March 5 at 11 am | Bulletin

“I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.” Acts 26:19

Happy Birthday St. Paul & St. Andrew! On March 5, 1835, this congregation came together formally for the first time. The ‘Second Wesleyan Chapel’, as it was then called, was dedicated with a sermon by its first pastor, Rev. Dr. Nathan Bangs. Rev. Bangs continued his involvement in our church until he left New York to help found Wesleyan University in Connecticut and serve as its first president.

It’s traditional to celebrate this birthday by making a gift to our Endowment Fund of some multiple of the age of the congregation. This year that might be $1.88 or $118., or 1,188, or whatever you like! One easy way to do this is through the website. Choose dropdown #9, Endowment.

When the apostle Paul was arrested for spreading Christianity, he was hauled before Agrippa II, a client king of the Roman Empire, and his equally powerful sister, Queen Berenice, the great-granddaughter of Herod the (not so) Great. In his defense Paul retold the story of his vision on the Road to Damascus, and offered his famous plea: “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.”

I hope that we could offer that same phrase in describing the mission and vision of our congregation. Looking to the future, my prayer is to help us stay faithful to the will of God for us, to be part of God’s amazing work of love, justice, and reconciliation.

If you’re joining us online, we’d love to see you at the virtual communion table.
Here’s the link: Join Zoom Meeting or +1 646 931 3860
Meeting ID: 429 518 3972