Together, in one place! Pentecost

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.”  Acts 2:1

This Pentecost, after 15 months of worshiping remotely, we will worship together in person!  ‘Together, in one place!’  Those who can come will gather on West End Avenue (the City has agreed to block off the street) for music and prayer and preaching, as we mark a day that symbolizes for the Christian movement, the start of something powerful and new.

The service will be livestreamed on Facebook for those who need to worship with us from home.  We are building in ways to make that connection a potent one.

Pentecost, of course, is the birthday of the church, a time when the Spirit of God became real in the lives of those who knew Jesus.  It is still that for us today.  Come, Spirit, come!

See you Sunday.

Register for Pentecost Outdoor Service (May 23)

Contact & Demographic Questionnaire for the 2021 Directory

We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here.

Please help us continue to create meaningful virtual worship and support essential ministries by giving online or by texting the amount of your gift to 646-971-9400.