Abundant Living, Abundant Awareness


November 14, 2021 at 11 a.m. | Bulletin

A recording will be available on our YouTube channel after the service.

“My heart exults in the Lord; my strength is exalted in my God.” 1 Samuel 2:1

Of all our biblical ancestors, Hannah is the one I turn to when thinking about prayer. Hannah knows prayer – fierce prayer!

Fierce prayer is what we do when there’s nothing we can do. Fierce prayer acknowledges the power of our own powerlessness. Fierce prayer yields the ‘exalted strength’ that flows out of our complete reliance on the source of our being.

But how can we ever keep from praying, when we look around us? We are alive! Surrounded by the awesomeness of life, the wonder of the world!

Rabbi AJ Heschel said it best: “Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living.” To that our biblical friend Hannah would stand and shout with all her fierce strength, ‘Amen!’


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