Holy Worry


Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Today’s Reading: Matthew 6: 25-33

“Therefore, do not worry…”  Matthew 6:25

During this stressful time, I continue to spend time with the Sermon on the Mount, the looong collection of Jesus’ sayings that covers three chapters of Matthew’s Gospel. And there, right in the middle, is the passage where Jesus tells his followers not to worry.

Is he kidding?  So much to worry about these days. And whether or not I can ‘add an hour to my span of life,’ I’m going to keep worrying. I would be worried about anyone who’s NOT worried. 

Sure, worry can be paralyzing.  But there are times it is also very motivating.

‘What are you worried about?’ I asked in an email to the church community.  And I got back a flood of responses.  Pages of worries, many of which I myself share.  

This Sunday, we will think about the right way to worry. And what a little ‘holy worry’ might lead us to do.

Yours in love (and worry),

Click here for today’s bulletin

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