Reformation: Our Part in the Progress

October 17 at 11 a.m. | Bulletin

For the last two weeks in worship and in Connect & Care, we’ve thought about God’s ongoing work in reforming the world and us.  This week, we’ll shift slightly and reflect on our role in reformation.  We’ll draw guidance from the story of Jeremiah and in particular, his encounter with the Potter.

With the Biblical text and theme in mind these past weeks, I’ve thought of potter, Joanna Griffin, sister of Peggy.  She has gifted this congregation with the beautiful chalice and paten we use for holy communion.  Our commitment and need for both “justice and joy” are etched into the pieces, along with the brilliant and proud colors of the rainbow.  Each time our elements are presented in these precious vessels, I feel the love of God acutely.  I am also reminded of the hands that shaped them, with us in mind and heart.  What a gift!

Joanna’s skill in the craft, along with her faith, produce pieces of pottery that elicit deep emotion and reflection.  She cares about the story of each piece, where it will be used, and whose hands will hold it after hers.  When I talked with Joanna this week, she explained that it is a blessing to consider with care the journey her pieces will have and the lives they will touch long after they leave her hands.  She remarked that it was like God’s own work of love, which continues to move and expand, even beyond our own knowledge. Jeremiah hears God say, “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand.”  Our Potter God holds us tenderly in hand, shaping and molding us.  How do we respond?

I look forward to Sunday, when we can reflect on that together.

See you soon!

Pastor Lea

A recording will be available on our YouTube channel after the service.

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