Labor of Love: Getting To Our Enemies

September 26 at 11 a.m. | Bulletin

“You have heard it said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”  Matthew 5:43-44
Jesus never says, don’t have enemies, he just tells us what to do with them.
There are people you don’t get along with.  There are people who are opposed to things you care very much about. There are people who think bad things about you, maybe completely unfairly.  And this person considers themself your enemy.  They don’t want what you want.  They don’t see things the way you see things.
Jesus knows that.  Jesus understands that.
Jesus also knows that the only way to avoid making new enemies, more enemies, is to be so bland, so inoffensive, non-descript & non-confrontational that you never stand for anything, and you never stand up for anyone.  Jesus knows that because Lord knows, who made more enemies than Jesus?  And what did he do with them?  He loved them.
This week, I want to think about what it really means to love my enemies.  Even if that enemy, sometimes, might be myself.
See you Sunday (at 11am),


A recording will be available on our YouTube channel after the service.

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