Labor of Love: Loves Labor Found



September 5 at 10 a.m. | Bulletin

‘God is love, and those who abide in love live in God, and God lives in them.’ – 1 John 4:16

“God is love.” Maybe because we’ve heard that a lot, we fail to recognize how radical a statement that is. We have a God whose essence and being, whose ‘is-ness’ is love. One thing that statement means, is that things that are not about love, are not about God. That’s an important thing to realize at a time when a lot that passes as Christianity is tragically lacking in love.

The other thing that statement means is that the only way to respond to God’s love for us is to do love, to do love to people. Every person. ‘God is love’ is indicative. But when 1 John goes on to say, therefore do love, it’s imperative. The good thing is that God started it, by loving us first.

In September we are looking at the theme, ‘The Labor of Love’. That is, how the task of people who follow Jesus is to be about love. Not as some warm feeling, but as concrete, specific, intentional action.

Join us.


A recording will be available on our YouTube channel after the service.

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