We may be physically separated, but we will come together virtually to celebrate the Resurrection!
First, we will incorporate our tradition of an Easter sunrise service through a Zoom call at 6:30am. All who are interested canĀ “go outside” at 6:30am and sign on to the call. This can be going outside literally or just outside your bed. After the story of the resurrection and a joint hymn, we will ask anyone who feels called to share a poem, song, or thought to raise their hand so that they can be unmuted and share.
A few hours later, at 11:00am we invite you to join us again for a digital service. Afterwards, Connect & Care Groups will meet online and continue to celebrate.
To join the Easter morning sunrise service:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 694 622 804
Password: Easter!
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Meeting ID: 694 622 804
Password: 962262
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