So What Now?

Sunday, January 7 at 11:00 am | Bulletin


This weekend, here in the church world, is a pretty important weekend liturgically. From the anticipation of Advent to the hype of Christmas and the joy of baby Jesus being born, this weekend ushers us into what I find myself thinking of as “So what now?” season.

Saturday, January 6th, is the feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the visit of the three wise ones to baby Jesus, representing the manifestation of God’s love for the entire world. Sunday, the first Sunday after the Epiphany, is set aside to celebrate the baptism of Jesus in most of the western Christian tradition. Two events, separated by 30 or so years that shape our understanding of who God is and how God interacts with us and what all that means for living a Christian life, a life in Christ, compacted into one weekend. Phew! That’s a lot.

Come Sunday, we’ll spend some time reflecting on these two big events and what they might be speaking to us here at the outset of 2024. We’ll also gather around the communion table together, come rain, wind, sleet or snow. So set your timers a little early and pull out your winter gear and golashes (or if you really must, tune in online from the comfort of your couch!). If The Weather Channel is right, it might be a little messy out there.

See you Sunday,


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