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Event Series 40 Days of Centering Prayer

40 Days of Centering Prayer

How do we prepare ourselves to put our love in action, just as Jesus did? This Lent, we are pleased to once again offer a 40 days of Centering Prayer retreat led by our very own Kate Baum. Centering Prayer is a form of meditation in the Christian tradition that can transform lives through helping us quiet our “monkey minds”, let go, and become […]

Ash Wednesday “Ashes to Go”

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York

We'll be on the sidewalk outside the church offering ashes and prayers.

Ash Wednesday “Ashes to Go”

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York

We'll be on the sidewalk outside the church offering ashes and prayers.

Event Series Homework Help Tutoring

Homework Help Tutoring

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York

One-on-one tutoring for students in elementary school through high school. If you have a student who would benefit from tutoring support, please fill out this form. To learn about volunteering as a tutor, visit our volunteer interest page.

Ash Wednesday Service

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York

Join us in the sanctuary for a service of music, scripture, poetry and reflection, along with distribution of ashes, as we begin our observation of the Lenten season.