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Event Series 40 Days of Centering Prayer

40 Days of Centering Prayer

How do we prepare ourselves to put our love in action, just as Jesus did? This Lent, we are pleased to once again offer a 40 days of Centering Prayer retreat led by our very own Kate Baum. Centering Prayer is a form of meditation in the Christian tradition that can transform lives through helping us quiet our “monkey minds”, let go, and become […]

Faith & Fun Friday: Kids Edition

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York, NY, United States

Kids ages 4 through 10 are invited to join us at the church for crafts, games, dinner and lots of fun. Parents are welcome to stay and join in the fun, or drop off the kids and enjoy a couple of hours of kid-free time. For more information, email Pastor Andrea.

Faith & Fun Friday: Youth Edition

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York, NY, United States

Middle and High Schoolers, join us for our typical monthly shenanigans on the 2nd Friday of the month! This month be bowling and having a white elephant present exchange offsite. If you'll be attending please let Pastor Ekama know so I can send over the address

Sounds of Spring (presented by Mozart for Munchkins)

As the sounds of spring fill the air, you’ll be transported by a variety of melodies, from classical favorites to upbeat tunes that will have everyone swaying, clapping, and dancing along. Our world-class musicians will take you on a musical journey, creating an unforgettable experience for the whole family. Kids of all ages are free to sing, dance, and play along, making this a perfect way to introduce young ones to live music while enjoying time together.

Event Series Sunday School

Sunday School

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York, NY, United States

Sunday School for preschool and elementary aged children takes place during the worship hour. All the children begin in the sanctuary with the full congregation, where we enjoy together the Message For All Ages, an interactive time when the lesson of the week is told in age-appropriate ways. Our Sunday School curriculum follows the lectionary, […]

Event Series Sunday School

Nursery and Childcare

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York, NY, United States

Nursery Care and Childcare is available for infants through elementary aged children during the worship service during the summer months. Check in at the front desk when you arrive for service and you will be directed to the childcare room where there will be lectionary themed coloring pages and Sunday funnies, books, games and other […]

Event Series Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York, NY, United States

Join us in the sanctuary or online for a joyful, inspiring, thought-provoking, intimate, and entertaining celebration of life and faith.

Event Series Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York, NY, United States

Does your child love to SING? Do you need a little "Me Time" on a Sunday afternoon? Sign them up for the St. Paul & St. Andrew Children's Choir! We will rehearse on Sundays immediately following worship (12:15pm - 12:45pm) and will learn FUN pieces to help develop your child's love of music, build community with […]

Social Justice Book Club

Community members from B’nai Jeshurun and St. Paul & St. Andrew will join together in reading a book a month, which amplifies themes of social justice. Then, we’ll gather together in-person for thoughtful conversation and reflection on that book. We’ll read both fiction and nonfiction works that wrestle with the intersecting injustices we collectively face. […]