Ekama Eni

Youth & Campus Pastor

More about Ekama

Ekama (she/her) is the Youth and Campus Pastor at St. Paul & St. Andrew where she is helping to shepherd the youth (as well as find lots of opportunities to eat with them) and serving as the co-pastor to the LaMP campus ministry Uptown. Ekama graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Psychology. She spent a mission year in Scotland, an experience which very much ignited a call to pursue full-time ministry.

Ekama has a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary and is pursuing ordination in the Presbyterian Church (USA). When she’s not at St. Paul & St. Andrew, she works in the Office of Advancement and External Affairs at General Theological Seminary in Chelsea, or can be found taking naps, or exploring new corners of Manhattan.

Lightning Round:

  • Favorite Food: Bacon (also strawberries & bacon)
  • Little Known Fact: I do not like sweets
  • Unwinding Activity: Sleeping
  • Words to Live By: “Low stakes, high impact.”