Our Ministries

Children & Family

Welcome to our Children & Family Ministry

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 19:14

With great joy, we invite your family to be a part of this vibrant and supportive community. Our goal is to join families in the sacred work of supporting children as they experience God and grow in faith and knowledge. Our ministry to children and their families offers a safe place where children can discover God, make friends, ask questions, have fun, and know that they are loved. We are a progressive and inclusive church, welcoming families of all kinds. St. Paul & St. Andrew offers many opportunities for you and your children to get involved. To learn more, contact Assistant Pastor, Andrea Steinkamp


Children & Family Events

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

March 4 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Parsonage

Join Pastor K and Charlene in the parsonage as we gather and celebrate the eve of the Lenten season with a pancake dinner and fellowship.

Ash Wednesday “Ashes to Go”

March 5 | 8:30 am - 10:00 am
St. Paul & St. Andrew

We’ll be on the sidewalk outside the church offering ashes and prayers.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

March 4 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Parsonage

Join Pastor K and Charlene in the parsonage as we gather and celebrate the eve of the Lenten season with a pancake dinner and fellowship.

Ash Wednesday “Ashes to Go”

March 5 | 8:30 am - 10:00 am
St. Paul & St. Andrew

We’ll be on the sidewalk outside the church offering ashes and prayers.

Inside our Children & Family Ministry

We value our children’s presence and voices. That’s why we all begin worship together at 11 am in the sanctuary and have special age-appropriate worship bulletins and crayons available for our younger community members. Our kids and their caregivers are then invited to join one of our pastors at the front of the sanctuary for the Message for All Ages, an interactive time when the lesson of the week is told just for them. Afterwards, the kids leave the service with their teachers for Sunday School.

Every Sunday from September through mid-June, we offer a bi-lingual (English and Spanish) Sunday School for kids ages 4-10. Our curriculum follows the Lectionary, so that the entire church community is united in growth. Our goal is to help foster families as they talk and learn together.

Nursery Care is provided by a professional sitter for children ages 6 months to 3 years from 10:45 am-12:30 pm each Sunday.

From September through June, on the second Friday of each month from 5:30-7:30pm, kids ages 4-10 are welcomed to the church building for an evening of games, music, crafts, creativity and free play. This is a free drop-off program that offers children an opportunity to build relationships with one another and develop a sense of agency and autonomy in the church community, while offering parents much-needed adult time!

St. Paul & St. Andrew offers VBS every summer, open to all kids Pre-K through 5th Grade. The Youth, Young Adults and other adult members of our church take on leadership and become the camp counselors. The aim of our VBS program is to grow souls, those of our campers, counselors, and staff.

Each year, our children gift our church community with a performative telling of the Christmas story. Through narration and song, the children enact the story of Jesus’s birth during worship on the second Sunday of Advent.