Our Ministries
Welcome to our Intentional & Intergenerational Ministry
“Solitary religion is not to be found there…The gospel of Christ knows of no religion, but social; no holiness but social holiness. Faith working by love, is the length and breadth and depth and height of Christian perfection,” wrote John Wesley.
We cannot follow Jesus alone. We are made to be in relationship, just as our Triune God is in relationship. We are called, in fact, commanded to be in community, to love one another, to bear one another’s burdens, to celebrate one another’s joys. We take that call seriously and joyfully! A hallmark of St. Paul & St. Andrew is intentional and intergenerational community-building. All are invited and encouraged to join in the programming and fellowship opportunities that cross barriers of all kinds and usher us into relationship with one another. We journey together!
Intergenerational Events
Start your day with 30 minutes of prayer and connection over Zoom.
Nancy M leads an hour-long strengthening and stretching class of Pilates. Beginners welcome!
Start your day with 30 minutes of prayer and connection over Zoom.
Nancy M leads an hour-long strengthening and stretching class of Pilates. Beginners welcome!
Inside our Intentional & Intergenerational Ministry
These spiritually supportive small groups are essential to our community, increasing our love and joy. Groups run on a semester schedule, and you can join at any time. Choose a group that fits your life and schedule and select from options, including the day and time the group meets, whether in person or on Zoom, and the frequency of meetings. For more information, contact Pastor Lea.
Every Tuesday morning at 7:30 am, we gather on Zoom for a 30-minute time of prayer and connection. With a song and a poem, we open a time of sharing. We hold in prayers the joys and concerns shared confidentially and in community.
UWF is an intergenerational group, open to anyone. UWF offers opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, advocacy and service. Our chapter is affiliated with the national United Women in Faith organization and is committed to global mission and the local ministries of our congregation. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month on Zoom. Programs include Bible study, anti-racism work, guest speakers, fellowship, and social justice education and advocacy. For more information, contact Nancy Meyers.
A hallmark of our vibrant worship, led by persons of all ages, is our choir. It is intergenerational and amateur, so all are welcome to participate. Contact our Minister of Music, Dr. Frank Glass for more information.
From our congregation's energy, enthusiasm, and longing, we developed a consistent space and time to learn and grow into being a place of spiritual activism and liberative gathering, built from an anti-racist foundation. The text, Liberating Church, is our guide, which lifts up eight “marks” or values of a liberated and liberating community. The text and our sources foreground Black church experience and wisdom, drawing from the hush harbor of the antebellum south, when enslaved persons created alternative ways of being in Christian communities. As a diverse community, but one that still operates as a white space in many ways, we understand that we are still becoming, still learning, and still unlearning in order to be a more liberated and liberating space. We intend to learn from the wisdom of these sources, but not take their struggle as our own when it is not. All are encouraged to join this important work.
We are a church that believes in the hospitality and community-building and love-generating potential of table fellowship! Whether a post-Sunday worship service potluck in the parsonage or cookout in the courtyard, special holiday gatherings such as pre-Thanksgiving potluck, Palm Sunday potluck, Shrove Tuesday pancakes, and Maundy Thursday soup supper, or summertime picnics in the park and ice cream socials, we gather to remember the love of Jesus for his friends in many ways beyond the Communion table.