Need a Lift?

“Need a Lift?”

“Wait for the promise of God… ‘for you will be drenched with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.'” Acts 2:4-5
I am naturally optimistic. Still, when we arrived at General Conference two weeks ago, I felt a sense of dread climbing up my spine.
The General Conference of the United Methodist Church. Not somewhere, in my experience, where the Holy Spirit always shows up. Indeed, the only place I felt the Spirit at the 2019 Conference was in the gatherings outside the hall where the meeting was held. There, we sang, wept, prayed and testified, indeed, in the power of the Spirit.
This year, it was different. And the difference lay not in the many votes taken to rid the UMC of the sin and stain of homophobia (though those were necessary and celebrated), but in the atmosphere of the convocation. A Spirit that seemed to say, in the words of God spoken through the prophet Isaiah, ‘Look! I’m about to do a new thing. It springs forth! Do you not perceive it?’
On this Ascension Day, things, indeed, are looking up!
See you Sunday,

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