PDI: Public Displays of Imperfection

Sunday, March 24 at 11:00 am | Bulletin


This Sunday, we mark the time when Jesus makes his final entrance into Jerusalem.  We will wave palms, shout our hosannas, pray, and give praise to the One who comes in the name of the Lord.  We will join the crowd in a public witness of faith, embodying at once our collective power and our human imperfection.

We come to worship this Palm Sunday to join other pilgrims, other seekers, and all those looking to the God of peace, love, and justice for salvation.  We will, among our holy gathering, profess to needing help.  We’ll get the chance to each consider what we need saving from and what it means to look to Jesus and shout out, “Save us!”

Remember that our worship will begin at 11am (sharp) on the steps of West End Ave. with a Blessing of the Palms and Donkey.  Our brass and drum will lead us in song as we process around the block. We’ll come back to the sanctuary and continue in worship.  And afterwards, we’ll have a potluck brunch at the parsonage.

Hosanna! Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord! Our help has come!

In love and solidarity,
Pastor Lea

P.S. It’s Easter Lily time. If you would like to help decorate our sanctuary for Easter by donating an Easter Lily (or two or three!) in honor or memory of a loved one, click here.

P.P.S. We will also be collecting a special Palm Sunday offering in support of the Palestinian House of Friendship (PHF) and its Boxes of Love initiative. A donation of $75 dollars supports one Box of Love; donations of any amount are encouraged and will be matched 2 to 1, up to the first $5,000, by a generous partner. Click here to give!

If you would like to support the ministry financially, please visit our giving page

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