A Spiritual Call & Response for Palestine

Tuesday, January 30 at 6:30pm

Each year, an ecumenical group of Christians has come together to collaboratively develop a prayer and action service, recognizing World Day of Prayer. Four years ago, a group of Palestinian Christian women were invited to write the worship for 2024, bringing attention to the women of Palestine and the realities of their lives. They could not have foreseen what is now unfolding, but it has never been more important to come together, to pray for peace, and to pay attention to the devastating reality under which all Palestinians now live.

With a sense of urgency and believing in the generative and sacred act of prayer, we come together to listen to what is happening, to locate God in this suffering, and to orient ourselves along a path of justice. We’ll hear a reflection from the Christmas Solidarity Delegation, a multi-national and ecumenical group of faith leaders who journeyed to Palestine over Christmas to be with Christians and to meet with others who are suffering in Israel and Palestine. That witness will be offered by David Wildman, Liaison to the United Nations for the Middle East and Afghanistan. We’ll sing, pray, listen, learn, and pay attention to where the Spirit is calling us to action.

We hope you’ll join us. For those joining in-person, there will be refreshments and a time for Q&A with David following the program.

If you would like to support the ministry financially, please visit our giving page. 

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