Spiritual & Ethical Formation

“And for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation. The old order has passed away; now everything is new.” - 2 Corinthians 5:17

Early Christians weren’t called Christians at all. Instead, they were known and understood to be People of The Way. Following the way of Jesus is life-long work, a process of growing in grace and wisdom, mercy and compassion. We are committed to continually being made new in Christ, as individuals and as a community. That means we are engaged in ongoing opportunities to learn and unlearn, to confront injustice as it exists in our communities and within ourselves, to deepen our faith and our engagement with the world, so that we might be co-creators with the Divine, as this world is transformed into the kin-dom of God. We do this through a myriad of ways. You are welcome to join us in the ongoing work of becoming.


Connect & Care


Pajama Prayers


Souls & Solidarity


Daily Devotionals


United Women in Faith


Bible Study