Spiritual & Ethical Formation

Bible Study

The scriptures are the foundation of our devotional lives and faith development. Through them, we wrestle alongside the writers, to locate God not just in the text, but also in our world and lives. God speaks through the scriptures, offering good news to us and to our broken and sorrowing world. But God still speaks and is not done with us yet. We better understand that truth when we learn how to listen for the word of God in scripture.

We offer seasonal Bible studies, taught by both our pastoral team and by our laity. For more information on our next session, contact Pastor Lea.


Upcoming Bible Studies

The North Star Series: Setting our Course on Liberation

October 27 | 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

Our Souls & Solidarity work continues with a five part series on Liberation Theologies.   This, our fifth and final session, will be on Ecological Liberation Theologies, taught by Drew Theological School’s Dr.Catherine Keller.  This session will be in-person in the sanctuary after worship concludes.  

The North Star Series: Setting our Course on Liberation

October 27 | 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

Our Souls & Solidarity work continues with a five part series on Liberation Theologies.   This, our fifth and final session, will be on Ecological Liberation Theologies, taught by Drew Theological School’s Dr.Catherine Keller.  This session will be in-person in the sanctuary after worship concludes.