Travel Lightly


“When Jesus sent out the disciples, he ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics.” Mark 6:8-9


If you are like me, you are carrying a lot right now. A lot of anxiety about the state of our nation. Concern for those in the path of war and violence. Stress about our planet, as a warming climate threatens more and more dramatic weather events. Money worries, health worries, worries about loved ones.

When Jesus sends the 12 out on their journeys, two by two, he has this word for them: ‘Travel lightly.’ He knows what they are each carrying. But he asks them to focus on the task ahead, and the people in their care.

That might be a good word for us, at this point in our lives!

See you Sunday,