On the Road Again

Sunday, April 28 at 11:00 am | Bulletin


This week we jump ahead in the lectionary to what will be the early days of forming Christ’s church in the world. We meet Philip, who’s traveling to Caesarea by way of the road to Gaza, where he encounters a curious and unnamed eunuch carrying with them, a scroll of the words from the prophet Isaiah. Perhaps in antiquity, the carrying around of such expensive and precious knowledge would’ve been very rare. I’m curious as to how our interactions are deepened by the ability to carry and share knowledge with us. What knowledge do we carry along on our journeys? How to we carry it? And maybe most importantly, what do we do with this knowledge?

As per always, it’s a busy week here at StPaul & St. Andrew. Pastors K and Lea as well as Aurora and Mary Ellen are all down in Charlotte this week to bear witness to the work of this denomination’s General Conference. We send them off with our love and prayers of fortitude as we all await these next steps in this Wesleyan expression of the Jesus movement. Semesters are winding down. Wars are waging…

Now, like K Karpen, I too love to have a musical time as I write and dream through sermons. Unlike K, I am no lyricist, but I’d love to share with you all a playlist I created to get through this little sermon. Making playlists (or perhaps a mix CD) is a lovely distraction for me. I like to see how varied in genre I can get to make sure all the songs touch on at least some small portion of the scripture for that week. So as we prepare for yet another Sunday, as we travel on the roads that are to take us where we need to go, listen with me and I’ll see you all on the other side. Until then,

-Pastor E

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