A Good News Story

Third Sunday of Advent

It seems absolutely fitting that the week we reflect on God’s promises to us, we are led in worship by the kids, youth, and families of our church. It seems even more appropriate that we convey God’s steadfast love, revelatory promise to dwell among us, and great joy in the form of a pageant.

The Christmas pageant tells the story we need to hear…right now, right here. And it tells the story in such a beautiful way, overflowing with innocence, flair, ever-so-slightly-controlled chaos, humor, and fun. The pageant is the antithesis of our reality. And that doesn’t make the story it tells any less real or any less powerful. We need to hear the good news story of a God who is with us. We could use the dramatic and transformative reminder of how this Jesus is God-With-Us, the same God who “brought down rulers from their thrones,” “lifted the humble,” and “filled the hungry with good things.”

So we’ll have our Good News Story, friends! Our kids, youth, and families, along with a fantastic team of miracle workers, have delivered. Because this year, we need it more than ever. So join us for a joyful worship on Sunday. It will be wonder-full! I promise!

In Advent Hope,

Pastor Lea

Note: Our virtual pageant for kids, youth, and families will premiere on YouTube at 11am. We can watch together from our homes, interacting through the comments. The pageant will also be included in our pre-recorded Sunday worship for the Third Sunday of Advent, which will be available on YouTube channel on Sunday morning.

Follow along in today’s bulletin

Make your financial pledge for 2021

Sunday Worship Service for December 13
11am YouTube watch party for the Christmas Pageant

We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here.

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