Lifted by Love

Sunday, April 23 at 11am| Bulletin

“The two disciples said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road??'” Luke 24:32

How many times have you experienced something miraculous, but didn’t notice it in the moment? 

Two Jesus followers, one who was named Cleopas and the other who wasn’t, set out on that first Easter morning to travel to Emmaus, not far from Jerusalem. They are soon joined by the risen Christ himself!  

They must have been amazed! Well, they were just confused. Sad and confused. Because they were not expecting him. It couldn’t be him. Except it was.

Let’s spend some time this week being more aware of the way Jesus comes to us, lifts us up, and accompanies us on the road of life.

See you Sunday,