First Sunday in Lent

First Sunday in Lent | Bulletin

“And the Spirit immediately drove him into the wilderness…”

Mark 1:12

Welcome to Lent! This is the first week of Lent. For the next 40 or so days we are invited to spend time with Jesus in the wilderness, walking that lonesome valley with him, remembering the 40 days he spent in the wilderness before getting on with his life. For him, and for us, it’s a time of thoughtful reflection, mindful meditation, as we listen for direction and meaning at this moment, after a trying and challenging and difficult year.

We think of Lent as a dour and sour season, certainly a sobering and somber season. But it’s more than that. The word Lent is an old English word for Spring, it’s a form of the word lengthen, and it refers to a season where winter wanes and the days grow longer; and light and life return to the earth.

Our theme this year is Listening for Lent. And we’re making use of traditional Lenten hymns to guide us through the season. Listening to the lyrics, listening to the music. As I listen to these hymns, chosen by the great Frank Glass, our wise and wonderfully stockinged minister of music, I hear those somber and sobering themes and the penitently pensive tunes, but I hear something else also. I hear strains of wonder, of gratitude, of healing, of hope.

See you Sunday,


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