Taking It From the Top

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February 27, 2022 at 11 a.m. | Bulletin

“Suddenly the disciples saw two people, Moses and Elijah, talking to Jesus… about his departure, which he was planning to accomplish at Jerusalem.” Luke 9:30-31

At the end of Epiphany Season, we take time for one more epiphany, a literal ‘shining forth’, witnessed by Peter, John and James up on the mountain of the Transfiguration.

In one way, the Transfiguration story, this tale of a miraculous transformation that happens right in front of their sleepy eyes, is all about Jesus. But it is also clear that the story is about the three who witness that transformation, and what it might mean for their own, needed, transformation. And, of course, what it means for us.

We could call the three figures Peter sees and comments about, Jesus, Moses and Elijah, the “Transfiguration Trio”. But there’s another transfiguration trio, and Peter’s a part of it. Coming down from the mountain, after a spiritual summit Jesus spends planning his ‘departure’ (in Greek, ‘exodus’) from Jerusalem, Jesus sees he has work today before this sleepy trio, and all his followers, are ready to take on his work of healing and hope.

And that goes for us.

Let’s use these last days of Epiphany, and the whole season of Lent, to prepare ourselves to take on Jesus’ work of healing and hope, reconciliation and justice in a new, more effective, way.

Living in love, and praying for peace,

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