Free Us From Ourselves


July 18, 2021 at 10 a.m. | Bulletin

A recording will be available on our YouTube channel after the service.

Rev. K Karpen preaching

The Spirit of God is upon me, for God has anointed me… to proclaim release to the captives… and to let the oppressed go free. Luke 4:18

As my seminary professor Chris Morse used to put it, God is the one who loves us into freedom and frees us to love.  I can’t think of a better summary of Christian theology than that!  
As we continue to explore our theme, ‘Towards Freedom’, we’ll look this Sunday at the time Jesus comes back to his hometown synagogue to teach and preach. (Hint: It doesn’t go well.)  But the message he gives, about his calling and ours, is vitally relevant to our current situation.
See you Sunday!   
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