Listening for Lent: The Christ Connection

Fifth Sunday in Lent | Bulletin


Now my soul is troubled…”  John 12:27

A year ago this week, the world shut down.  And so did the church–except we didn’t, thanks to you.  We quickly pivoted to online worship, formed ‘Connect & Care’ groups, found new ways to give online, and occasionally gathered safely outdoors.  We celebrated Easter surrounded by so much sadness and death; it was hard to glimpse the possibility that life would go on.

Now, here we are.  There are many we mourn.  There are things we repent of.  There are memories we wouldn’t mind forgetting.  But, still, we have cause to rejoice and give thanks to God.

When I was a kid singing in Gospel Choir, we learned a song, ‘We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord.’  Amen to that.  I’ve done a lot of leaning this past year: on God, on my family, on Lea & Brent and the rest of the church staff, and on all of you.  “God’s never failed me yet.” the song goes on.  And you haven’t either.  Thanks be to God. 

Love you,

We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here.

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