The Christ Connection

Palm Sunday | Bulletin


This Sunday, we mark the time when Jesus makes his final entrance into Jerusalem. We will wave palms, shout our hosannas, and give praise to the One who comes in the name of the Lord. We will join the crowd in a moment of divine deliverance that they find and create together, following Jesus. Palm Sunday is more than celebration. It is a day and a tradition that sits in the tension between the triumphal moment of arrival and the trial and terror that Jesus’s path will lead to. We come to worship on Sunday to embrace both offerings of the day and to think about how we will follow Jesus on the path ahead, with our bodies, our choices, our actions, and our lives. What will we let go and lay down to welcome this transformative movement? What part will we take up in the collective? What will we shout out with others as Jesus enters? Join us this Sunday to welcome Jesus and to embody a new way.

Hosanna! Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kin-dom coming!

Salvation is among us,
Pastor Lea

We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here.

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