Abundant Living, Abundant Awareness


November 21, 2021 at 11 a.m. | Bulletin

A recording will be available on our YouTube channel after the service.

“Each one must do exactly as she has made up her mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

I was sitting next to a rabbi friend one Thanksgiving interfaith service when this passage from 2 Corinthians was read. When he heard the part about how God loves a ‘cheerful giver’, he had quite a reaction. First, he burst into laughter. I suppose that was sort of appropriate, since the Greek word here for ‘cheerful’, ἱλαρός (hilaros), shares a root with our word ‘hilarious’. Second, my rabbi friend leaned over and whispered to me, “We gotta get that verse into our Bible!”

I know that often, giving is not done cheerfully, but out of obligation. In fact, I really didn’t understand this ‘cheerful giving’ concept until I came here to St. Paul & St. Andrew. One year one of our Ghanaian members, Samuel, said to us, “Let me tell you how we do the offering in Ghana. We dance up to the offering baskets, waving handkerchiefs and singing!”

I never looked at giving the same way again. I realized that I love to give. I love to be able to give. What’s more fun than giving?

Here at St. Paul & St. Andrew we’re gearing up for our yearly pledge campaign. What an opportunity to bless the One who has blessed us this far on our way. What a chance to express our abundant gratitude. What a way to turn our love into action. What fun!

See you on Sunday for some hilarious pledging!

Your comrade in giving,


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To make a pledge for 2022, please visit stpaulandstandrew.org/pledge