Towards a Fearless Embrace


November 28, 2021 at 11 a.m. | Bulletin

A recording will be available on our YouTube channel after the service.

“Don’t be frightened, Zechariah. Your prayer has been heard.” Luke 1:13

Over and over again in the scriptures, God speaks, either directly or through messengers. God’s voice can be heard time and again, saying, “Fear not!” The story that tells of Jesus’s conception and birth, as recounted across the gospels, follows in this rich tradition.

Each week in Advent, we’ll read and reflect on a portion of Jesus’s birth story, featuring a divine encounter, in which God or a messenger cries out, “Do not be afraid!” We’ll think about how fear is present in that holy happening. What might these encounters teach us about how our fear can become an obstacle to revelation, connection, action, or even creation? While we watch and wait for the coming of the Christ child to enter this needy and hurting world, we’ll try to loosen the hold that fear has on us so that we might warmly and deeply welcome Jesus.

Our uncertain and unsettled world is fertile ground for worry, anxiety, and fear to grow. For Advent, let’s join in the spiritual task together…to heed God’s message and make preparations to fearlessly embrace the gift of Jesus and his good news.

Join us this Advent,


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